Snakes for sovls


' ' = nickname
1. UNDEAD (vampires)
2. UNDEAD (ghosts)
3. UNDEAD (side characters)
I would include photos, but I've barely drawn any of them, and there's even fewer of those that I actually like. I usually mention who it is whenever I post.



Liza 'Bea' Blackburn (formerly Beatrice Ashdown)
Born in 1322 and turned in 1347 at the age of 24. Probably the second most tattooed of all of my OCs (after Damien), and also the second shortest (excluding kids). She changed her name in the 17th century because Dana reasons but James calls her Bea occasionally. Speaks German for some reason.
James 'Teddy' [Angel Paris] Blackburn
Born in 1813 and turned in 1837 at the age of 24. Georgian (turned a month before the coronation of Queen Victoria) vampire who is borderline obsessed with his wife, Liza, and would literally die for her. He still can't believe she even likes him (spoiler: she definitely does). Was going to be called Edward, hence the nickname, but his parents decided against it.
Quinn Blackburn
Liza and James' daughter, born some point in the 21st century.
Ronnie Blackburn
Liza's and James' son, who is roughly three years younger than Quinn.
Katherine Strahm
Born in 1947 and turned in 1969 at the age of 22. Canadian, but was turned in her fiancé's home country of England after Liza, James, Dana, and Ripley found them at the site of a car crash on a winter morning. Dresses surprisingly unlike a vampire (no black in sight).
Dana Baciu
Born in 1566 and turned in 1594 at the age of 28. Lived in her home country of Romania until the age of 19, and loves committing minor crimes and dressing like a monarch to walk around the block.
Ilinca Baciu
Dana's younger sister.
Ripley Wakefield
Born in 1829 and turned in 1856 at the age of 27. Victorian vampire (sorry I'm so basic) who had some involvement in the California Gold Rush for some reason despite being English (like nearly the rest of them), and things went pretty wrong.
Victor Barnett
Born in 1896. One of the three other men who served alongside James after he was accidentally sent to fight in the trenches when compulsory conscription was introduced in 1916. James escaped the day after (bat), so they all thought he was dead.
Bertie Nichols
Born in 1896. Another one. James was not dead, which they found out when they went to visit Liza in 1918 after the war ended. They were both turned soon after, and have lived together since.
Mathilde de Quixlay
Born in 1477 and turned in 1499, aged 22. Was convicted of being a witch in the early 16th century but was actually just a vampire so did a runner after being tied to the stake.
Valentine de Carteret-Monro
Born in 1664 and turned in 1689, aged 25. Has three personality traits and they are alcohol, his hair, and women.
Esteban Otranto
Posh and rich. Your typical vampire.
Yasmin, Cyrah, Aslan, Cas, and Darius
Ottoman Empire. Cyrah and Aslan are together and eventually have four kids called Roxie, Hettie, Esteri, and Danyal.
Vita and Aemilia
Ancient Roman. Historians would call them best friends, but Aemilia paints portraits of Vita all the time, and despite Vita being basically the most attractive woman in history and having the opportunity to have any man she wanted, she was not interested at all.
Alfred Saint-Clair
Born in 1320 and turned in 1346 at the age of 26. A family friend of the Ashdowns, and was arranged to marry Bea (Liza), although this was called off due to her 'disappearance'. They were great friends so the prospect of marriage was pretty foul to the both of them. He was turned a month or so later, so they went into hiding together. As friends.



Thomas Audovera
Born in 1043 and died in 1066, aged 23 in the Battle of Hastings. Very arrogant and annoying– steer well clear.
Edgar de la Haye
Born in 1207 and died in 1230 at the age of 23 of unspecified reasons. Very boring but at least he's nice.
Jeanne Cosimo
Born in 1139 and died in 1158 at the age of 19. From somewhere undisclosed in Western Europe, and was a warrior of some description so basically she's super cool. Became somewhat of a martyr after her death.
Blanche [Marie] Armand
Born in 1771 and executed by guillotine in 1792 at the age of 21 because French Revolution blah blah. She really loves fashion and is constantly fascinated by Liza's tattoos (plus she's super nice).
Edouard [Louis] Armand
Born in 1772 and executed in 1792 at the age of 20 (both of their birthdays are in December so it would've been between them both). Blanche's husband. Rarely says anything, but it's always useful if he does. Sorry their middle names are so basic– I thought it'd be funny.
Alexei Dmitriyev (Алексе́й Дми́триев)
Born in 1894 and killed in 1917 at the age of 23 being shot in the back by government officials in the midst of the Russian Revolution. The oldest of the three siblings, and also the quietest and most sensible.
Raisa Tatyana 'Tati' Dmitriyeva (Раиса Татьяна Дмитриева)
Born in 1895 and killed in 1917 (all three siblings died in the same situation) at the age of 22. Tatyana isn't her middle name, but more part of a double-barrel first name, and only those closest to her call her Tati as opposed to Raisa. Confident and intelligent, she's often the ringleader of their antics.
Mikhail 'Misha' Dmitriyev (Михаил 'Миша' Дми́триев)
Born in 1901 and killed in 1917 at the age of 18. Misha's the youngest sibling and is missing one of his ears, hence the bandages. He's five years younger than Tati, and six years younger than Alexei so they're both super protective of him. He also has a small brown terrier called Sasha (Саша) who died with them and is a ghost too.
Rosalie Grosjean and Madeleine Landreville
19th century French ghosts that live in the attic of the Blackburn Residence. It's quite cute but also very sad that they could only be together in death.
Jacques and Marguerite Baudelaire
More French ghosts but they're rich this time.
Alfred and Idina
Ancient English ghosts. To cut a long story short, she was some kind of royalty, she wanted to marry him, her father said no and killed him, she said ooh look I've got a dagger, he said you won't do it. She did.
Freja Frydenlund
Viking warrior. The original girlboss. If she and Jeanne ever met, they would absolutely adore each other.
Anacaona, Atzi, Atotoztli, Metztli, and Milintica
First three were sacrifices in the Aztec Empire. Metztli and her brother, Milintica tried to save them, but they ended up being killed too.
Khepri, Masika, Khalfani, Heba, and Heqet
Ancient Egyptian. Khalfani and Khepri are married and that's all I know at this point.
Tyler Davenport
Born in 1954. Hugh's nephew who is a far better person than he ever was. Regularly came to visit Katherine until his death like a year later (when he disappeared for a while) and then reappeared as a ghost. Maybe he marries Katherine because I'm feeling messy like that. Just to point out, Tyler and Katherine are closer in age than Hugh and Katherine so it's not weird in any way– also he's a good person, and took her surname because he didn't want her to have the burden of Hugh around.



Francis Blackburn
James' younger brother, born in 1815. He and James had a childhood dog called Benjamin.
George Blackburn
James' father, owner of the shop he was working in when he met Liza.
Victoria Blackburn (née Lee)
James' mother.
Daniel Lee
James' uncle (and Victoria's brother).
Felix Lee
James' cousin (and Daniel's son). The jeweller who made Liza's engagement ring and their wedding rings because he was cool like that.
Ada Ashdown
Liza's mother.
Frederick Ashdown
Liza's father.
Hugh Davenport
Katherine's absolute mess of a fiancé, who died in the car crash in 1969. No cause to complain there. They met while she was on holiday in England. The worst person who ever lived (have you noticed I hate him yet?).
Arthur Brown
With James, Bertie, and Victor in the trenches, but he sadly didn't make it back out. Died at the age of 18 in 1917.
Carmen and Rosetta
I think they're Romanian and they do palm reading and tarot and fortune telling and stuff (probably in the 16th century). I haven't really decided what's going on with them yet, but I do know that they're sisters.
Wilbur Finchley
One of Liza's exes.
Brodie Payne
And another. She's Australian.
Chester Harcourt
You guessed it.
Ada Levine
And again.
Lucy Watford
Whatever you're thinking, you're probably right.
Florence 'Flossie' Carter
Take a wild guess.
Rosalie Olson
Gideon Barrett
And there we go. Really not that many in the grand scheme of things.


Damien [Maverick] McKenzie– Nemesis
Silly little emo (except he's 6'1 and more of a metalhead). Red hair, tattoos, heterochromia, and an outfit that 2000s rock bands would be jealous of. He's more inspired by the original Nemesis vibe than the new one.
Cassius Sullivan– Oblivion
The tallest of my OCs at 7'0. Doesn't say a lot because he doesn't need to. Seems kind of rude but that's because he hates people, not because he's trying to seem that way.
EVE– Galactica
She's stupidly friendly but that's because she's AI and she's programmed to be that way. The most boring of my rollercoaster OCs by far which is why I never draw her (at least it reflects the ride).
Rita Talbot– Rita
All the energy of a small dog and one of the nicest people you will ever encounter. Also very short and pretty tattooed (and has a bandana in her hair that matches the one around Ari's neck).
Belladonna 'Bella' [Regan] Holt– Th13teen
She's somewhere between the ages of six and 14. Rita is really overprotective of her which is wholesome. I kind of feel bad for her with the whole being possessed thing but you know.
Oliver Brown– The Smiler
The laziest, most basic character design in existence. He has not changed at all since I first designed him other than the fact his permanent smile changed to a really sad Chelsea smile, and his hair's gone from yellow to blond. He's a great guy when he's in the spirits.
Angus Owen– Wicker Man
I do not like him. Get off your high horse you silly little man. The furs are kind of fun though. Shame he thinks everyone should worship the ground he walks on.
Zephyra [Dimitra] Galanis– Colossus
Zeph is honestly super cool. The most chilled-out person you'll ever meet (until someone tries to hurt her or her people, and then things become very different). Atlantean, hence the rune tattoos and the outfit.
Blaise [Alex] McKenzie– Nemesis Inferno
Damien's younger sister (therefore she's emo #2). She's pretty similar to him, and definitely looks up to him, although she wouldn't admit that. I focused more on the Nemesis part of the ride in her design (therefore the only suggestions of the jungle aspect are her khaki shirt and green gauges).
Ari [DeAndre] Thorpe– Stealth
Rita's slightly younger cousin (they're stupidly competitive). I got very lazy with his name (Ari T is an anagram of Rita). He'd be that one nice guy in the group of popular sporty guys.
Cody [Vinny] Schwartz– SAW- The Ride
The only one of my rollercoaster OCs who is American (I named him the first American names I could think of). Stupidly smart although absolutely does not act like it sometimes. I associate him very strongly with Linkin Park for reasons I cannot identify.
Ash Miller– The Swarm
I have two OCs called Ash because I just love to make things easy for myself like that. Has a load of trash polka tattoos but I haven't been bothered to draw them yet. Level-headed, focused, and intelligent, so not the kind of person to cry in a maths test. I wish.


All of these are based somewhat on the Killjoy comics and Danger Days (the album), so I can't take any credit for the central idea.Breezy [Jay] Goodman (née Cooper) / Hyper 'Ferno' Inferno
There's literally nothing to say about her other than she's the only British one of my Killjoy OCs and she likes setting fire to things. Has dated both Kari and Cyrus. Although she was born in 2007, most of this information is taken from the future (late 2026/early 2027, when she is 19).
Cyrus 'Cy' [Thomas] Goodman / Blooshed 'Blood' Boulevard
Has the most obnoxious laugh and can play drums, keyboard, guitar, and bass, and can both sing and scream. Weirdly tall at 6'5. Born in Salem, Massachusetts in 2007 to 19 year-olds Rita Moran and Al Goodman (formerly 'Murder Mission', inspired by the 'missions and the boulevards' line in We Don't Need Another Song About California). Scared of how easily available chainsaws are but has one anyway, and a huge softie when it comes to Breezy only. Neither of them admitted they liked each other for ages (the 'secret' came out in 2027).
Kari [AJ] Barber / Kerosene 'Queenie' Queen
America trousers but not in a patriotic way– they're in more of an ironic, 'I hate America with every inch of my being' way. Her and Breezy's relationship was so cute while it lasted that I could scream. Weapon of choice: baseball bat.
Kara [Ashleigh] Barber / California 'Callie' Reaper
Queenie's twin sister but somehow her polar opposite. She is so annoying it's actually impressive. Her hockey mask and slingshot are kind of iconic though.
Luci [Marissa] Jimenez / Devil's 'Luci' Advocate
The oldest of the Killjoys, so kind of takes on a mother role even though that is about as far removed from their personality as possible. So covered in chains, bracelets and piercings that she jangles, and they might die (I just haven't decided yet).
Shay Lewis / Shay 'Shay' Subspecies
Her name is Shay. Who would've guessed? Even a 30 second conversation with her is a huge confidence boost she's just that nice. Best-dressed Killjoy.
Ashley Michaels / Collision 'Col' Course
They're so cool it's actually upsetting. Always carries an axe and spends most of the time asleep or eating bread.
Miles Goodman / Sunset 'Sunny' Cyanide
You would never guess that he's Cy's cousin because he's short and blond. Always wearing headphones and a Hawaiian shirt, and has very strong opinions about music.
Otis Wilson / Prime 'Affie' Affliction
Not once in their seven years in California did he wear a pair of matching socks. Also made
the intelligent decision to wear white jeans in the desert.


ARCANA-BOTB BAND ONE: Teenage Girl Murder Appeal:
Teenage Girl Murder Appeal (or TGMA) is an entirely fictional metalcore/deathcore band formed from the wasteland I call my brain. Its name is basically poking fun at those absolutely foul 14 year-olds who are all weird about murderers. The band has six members, three of which are male (and mentioned somewhere in section 4– vocalist Cody, lead guitarist Damien, and keyboardist/programmer/manager/
emotional support/responsible adult/etc Ari), and the other three being the ones listed below.
'Jinxxx'- Kaiser MacConnell (née Brown)
Rhythm guitarist and vocalist (yes, there's two, and yes they both scream occasionally. Thank you). Her actual name is Kaiser– or Kai for short, she eats Rice Krispies out of the box by the handful, and is partial to dry chocolate Weetabix.
'Salem- Kali Akhtar'
Bassist and backing vocals. Can be asleep in the drop of a hat.
Kaydence James
Drummer. Has a thing going on with Salem. It takes the both of them longer to realise that than everyone else.

BOTB BAND TWO: Dead or Dying
These lot are Scottish (Glaswegian), but also metalcore. They're slightly less heavy though, with more influences from punk as opposed to deathcore.
Bonnie-Rue MacLean
Kenna Montgomery
She plays lead guitar.
Lorna Easton
Rhythm guitar.
Alba O'Malley
He's blond and plays drums.
Angelo MacConnell
Bass and lead vox. Has a thing going on with Kai which they tried to keep secret but it didn't stay that way very long. He probably loves chocolate mousse a bit too much (and he accidentally asked for 'chocolate moose' when he was drunk once and it turned into a whole thing). Ends up having kids with Kai called Levi and Giorgia but that's irrelevant in the context of the book.

The other ones in BOTB
There's Rita (Ari's cousin) and Blaise (Damien's sister) but I've mentioned them before so I shall not waste my time on it again.
Constance Wojciechowski
Kenna's cousin.
Luca Kowalczyk
Kenna's other cousin.
Reese MacConnell
Angelo's younger sister.
Lottie Valentine
Kai's best friend. They kind of had a mutual crush on each other back in the day but never acted on it and found out years later. They tell each other absolutely everything.
Ramona King
Kaiser's other friend who is randomly Australian.
Gio Griffin
I don't like him.
Charlie Phelps
A really old OC from a really old concept who I decided to bring back for this.
Mattie Hunter
His fiancée (also a really old OC from the same really old concept). They both went to school with Kai and Damien.
Perrie La Roux
I have not yet made any decisions in relation to her relevance.
Lou Ramos
He's in there somewhere.

It's a whole office thing with stuff to do with research and all that (with a link to the vampires). It's horror but drama but comedy that's pretty '80s (I am aware that makes no sense to everyone but me).
Alice Young
Psychologist. Very expressive so can't get away with anything, has awful handwriting, and wears big shoes to appear taller. Can speak basic German. Met Michael on a psychology course at university and became friends very quickly.
Michael [Gabriel 'Gabe'] Matthews
Alice's work partner (so clearly a psychologist too)– there's a lot of friendly competition between them. Their relationship is pretty hard to define. Almost permanently looks confused, always has his shirt sleeves rolled up, and has a scar in the outside corner of his eye. Everything about him is hilarious but that's probably just because British people humour.
Louise 'Lou' Townsend
Deals with all the surgeries and procedures etc (she is medically trained, just for clarification). The only one of the five who consistently behaves like an adult.
Richard Grey
Does science-y chemical stuff like blood substitutes. Is regularly eating dry cereal out of a mug.
Darcy Grey
Richard's twin sister, and basically does the same thing as him (she just has less influence). Is always complaining and constantly annoys Michael by smoking. He has definitely had a go at her for it numerous times.
Florence Hewitt
Does the same as Lou, but works in the other location in the south of England (the other five are in the north). She wears her uniform hair tie around her neck.
Claudia Hewitt
Florence's wife. Kind of architecture/building/proofing stuff, so always has a pencil tucked behind her ear just in case. They have a cat called Rick.

1980s PART TWO
It's entirely unrelated to the other one (sorry) and is set in America instead of England. The three here are all friends, moved to America from England in the mid to late '80s, and are all in relationships with another group of friends they met there (not as confusing as it sounds).
Marcy Crane
Initiated the move when an opportunity came up for work (where she ended up meeting her girlfriend). Truly a woman written by a woman for women. Always shows up everywhere with stuff she's baked, reads a lot, wears the most beautiful dresses, and loves her girlfriend more than anything. What more could you want? They have two dogs called Marty and Maggie and a cat called Ash.
Norma [Jean] Maxwell
Married her husband when they were both 20, and being the stupidly family-orientated people they are, have six children: Axel, Maxie, Junie Rou, Josh, and the twins (the youngest two), Corey and Kendra. She absolutely adores kids and is probably a midwife or something but a huge film nerd when she has spare time. Also very Cockney.
Allie Burton Bowman
Huge-haired metalhead who plays guitar and hates Megadeth. Has a number of tattoos but most of them aren't visible, and she's never seen without her battle vest and bandana (tied around her neck). Ends up accidentally having a kid with her boyfriend at 22, and they call her Stevie (middle name James), but love her more than anything.

I think it's set in the future and revolves around a few crews who met each other some day and now work the same ship, but let's bear in mind that this is a very new concept.
I've got nothing to say about her yet.
All I can say is that I'm sorry I have three OCs whose name starts with 'Cy'. Head of navigation, and always wears a very long coat.
He's there, that's for sure.
No one can agree on how to say his name. He doesn't know either. Just vibes innit.
Go Clifton I guess.
I do not know.
Goes by Marcie most of the time.
He's pretty cool.
Not short for anything.
Also not short for anything. Their parents didn't quite get it.
I like Lainey she's cool.
Jordan 'Jord'
She's there I guess.
She's called Frankie (shock horror).
Go king.
A way cooler spelling than Callista (this is the future).
Who knows anymore.
That's it for this lot (for now).

Lucia 'Lady Grey/Captain Gunn' Douglass (née Gunn)
Captain of the Lady Nemesis. She's partially blind in one eye due to an incident that left her with a pretty big scar, and has very green eyes and a white stripe in her (black) hair. Gabriel calls her Lux (Latin for light– he is both smart and absolutely adorable).
Gabriel Douglass
Curly-ish dark hair, heterochromia (one brown, one greyish blue), and a scar up his neck and left arm from a jellyfish sting. In a very secret but very 😏😏😏 relationship with Lucia. Sailing master so in charge of all the maps and navigation and stuff. Also has some random tattoos on his hip bones or collar bones of either mermaids or angels or knots.
Adelaide Douglass
Gabriel and Lucia's daughter who ends up being kind of a surprise. This is quite a bit after the events discussed though.
Annie Douglass
Gabriel's mother. She dies. Thank god.
Some guy. Also the quartermaster of Lady Nemesis.
Kit Hastings
Very young in comparison to the others (probably around 16-19). A gunner.
The ship's boatswain who was pulled out of the sea by the crew of Lady Nemesis after he was thrown overboard from his previous ship.
Blond and surprisingly intelligent.
Will's partner in crime. Their love language is physically and verbally abusing each other.
Don't ask me for another 3-5 business days.
Damiana de Torres
Very rich and was paid to sneak onto the ship and take the crew down, steal stuff etc. but she decided they were pretty cool and stayed.
Why should I know?
Frankie Leigh Raye
Lucia's right hand woman and second in command– she is made captain of the ship when Lucia and Gabriel retire to live a peaceful life with their daughter.
Forgot about him tbh. Too many men with boring names to remember on this one.
Very unassuming. Ends up betraying the crew, but the girlboss that is Damiana (they had a brief thing) snitches on him.
Maximilian 'Max'
Lucia had a thing with him. He's very sweet.
Appears very briefly. Max and Lucia had a thing with her at the same time if you catch my drift.

And all the rest of them
These ones don't really fit into any categories as of yet.
Clementine Quinn
Tattoo artist of some description.
Jonny Rose
Same as above.
Bobby Carter
She and the six after her are all friends, but I haven't decided the context/story yet.
Tai Clifton
He's friends with them all too.
Angie 'Anj' Hart
Same for her. Hates being called Angie.
Cassie Smith
And her.
Freddie Moore
Her as well.
August Hetfield
Him too.
Finn O'Reilly
Him as well. What a shock. That's it.
Sidney Ryan
Just liked the name– haven't got very far.
Madison Douglas
I keep seeing a guy in a suit in my brain but idk where to go with that.
Natalie 'Nat'
Hates being called Natalie.
As is she.
And her.
And her too.
Don't ask me because I don't know.
Probably plays an obscure sport.
I really have no idea anymore lol.
Literally not one thought in my mind about her.
I felt like I had to make use of such a nice name.
Same for Jael too.
Who knows? Not me. I'll keep you posted.
I only have an OC called Nancy because I like the name. She literally had no personality as of yet (or character design, for that matter).
She probably does stuff sometimes.
Aisling is Aisling.
I used to have another OC called Noah. This is not him. The other one was really annoying.
I'm beginning to think I have too many OCs to remember.
Thumbs up.
Definitely a good cook.
Such a gorgeous name.
Another nice name situation.
Blonde and absolutely drop dead gorgeous. Love interest of a female main character somewhere.
Kind of a man whore but he's pretty and he calls women dolly so I'll forgive him.
Love interest. Also very pretty.
Dahlia Hansen (née Solburg)
The perfect Woman. She's from like Sweden or Norway or something like that.
Bodie Hansen
He is too. He's a crime/horror writer, but writes romantic poetry for Dahlia.
Astrid and Freyja Hansen
Bodie and Dahlia's daughters.
Juni Hansen
Bodie's younger sister.
Jensen Bjornstad
And him. Sorry to be embarrassing but it is kind of a love triangle situation (again, my apologies). The names spoil how that ends up though.
Beauregard 'Beau' Banks
Beau is a psychologist/writer and absolutely worships his wife, Theo, who he met on business. He didn't expect to fall in love with her (neither did she tbh), but they got engaged pretty quickly. He found solace in writing because he had a pretty bad stammer as a child, and although he had mostly recovered from it by the time he met Theo, she helped him grow his confidence exponentially– turns out he's a huge flirt/romantic/actually pretty confident person. Also sings and plays piano and can dance weirdly well for a man who does not involve himself in sport in the slightest.
Theodora 'Theo' Banks (née Wolfe)
Like her husband, never goes by her full name. Despite most of this being set in the 1910s, I'm not sure that it's going to be anything to do with Undead.
Blaine Wolfe Banks
Beau and Theo's son. The Wolfe isn't a surname, it's a middle name clearly inspired by his mother.
Tessa Banks
Beau and Theo's daughter.
Clementine 'Clemmie' Banks
Beau's sister. She's quite a bit younger than he is.
Alexandra 'Alexander' Balfour and Leopold 'Leo' d'Arby
Late 19th century police officers/detectives. Her 'nickname' is more of a disguise as she pretended to be a man to get a job in the force. Leo's her work partner; he fell in love with him, but then also fell in love with the actual Alexandra. Slay. They then have three kids: August, Felix, and their much younger sister, Birdie.
Teddy, Sacha, Jack, and Kensington
In the British Navy during one of the world wars. Kensington is his surname because no one actually knows his first name.
Violeta and Lena
Teddy and Jack's spouses, respectively.
Blake B. Morrigan, Vincenzo, Russell, Greyson, Clarence, Adelaide, Evangeline 'Evan', Cordelia 'Cordie', and Cerise
Some sort of murder mystery. It's quite a cozy, huge estate + rich people one (there's a few business owners and heirs). Evangeline and Greyson are just married during it, and have a newborn son called Lawrence 'Lawrie' in the epilogue. It could be set on a train, in a house, or in a hotel, I just haven't decided yet.
Augusta Wilde, Delilah, Wyatt, Winona, Talulah, Aylen, Killa, Nawel, and Payne
I wanna be a cowboy, baby. 🤠 Augusta and Talulah are together and adopt a baby called Micah.

Was James and Francis' dog when they were kids.
Sasha / Саша
Misha's dog. A small brownish terrier who died with them and is also a ghost.
Florence and Claudia's cat.
Marty and Maggie
Marcy's dogs (it's the 80s so named after 80s film characters).
Marcy's cat– points for guessing which character he's named after.
Kaiser and Angelo's cat. I got lazy with this name.
Calista and Nyx
Zephyra's birds. Calista's a dove and Nyx is a crow, and they're always on her shoulders or flying around her.
Zeph's snake (usually coiled around her leg or neck).
Lou's dog.
Dmitri and Circe
Ramona's cats. One's black and the other's orange.
Damien's black cat (and best friend).
Fifi and Cesar
Blanche's dogs (they technically belong to Edouard as well but he's not the biggest fan). Either those awful crusty white dogs or poodles.
Ari's dog.
Ari's cat. Yes, they're both named after F1 drivers.
Luca's dog.
Luca's cat. He's one of those cats who is stupidly dense but also absolutely loveable.
Reiko's rabbit.
Brodie's goat. It's weird but so is she. I named him after the first Australian person I could think of because Brodie is Australian.
Lottie's chinchilla. I find it funny when animals have human names.
Jonny and Clementine's cat. Named after Ryan Ashley (the best tattooist there is).
Dana's ferret. It's on brand, trust me.
Dana's donkey. The only way of getting through 16th century Romania.
Allie's cat.
Kali's cat who is probably the only being that can outdo her in terms of sleeping.
Miles' dog.
Luci's tarantula. They found him in the desert and he is very friendly.
Jeanne's horse. Very speedy very good very nice.
Oliver loves his little mouse.
Blaise has a macaw because I thought I needed more of the jungle theme in her design with Nemesis Inferno and everything.
Shay's dog who she named after Ada Lovelace because that's what cool people do.
Cody's cat. She's a girlboss.
Dahlia's cat.
Prince and Shelley
Beau and Theo's cat and dog.
Bela, Sacha, Jack, and Kensington's ship's cat. Bela probably ends up keeping her after the war is ov